A book is more than just a cover and words on a page, it must also be visually appealing on every page. Our formatting guru will expertly format your pages, chapter headers, and illustrations to create a beautiful book, inside out.
In traditional publishing, formatting generally comes before proofreading; it is then the proofreader’s job to check the formatted file, as their role includes checking for formatting errors.
However, in self publishing, it’s often quite the opposite. Formatting comes after proofreading in most cases. This is because if a proofreader finds errors during their edit, which by nature they will, you will then have to come back to the formatter and pay for additional services to change the file. In the interest of budget and time, it’s often recommended self publishers undertake formatting after proofreading.
We are more than happy to do formatting after proofreading, however it’s important to know that should you require any changes to the final formatted file, you will incur additional charges for those changes.
Formatting Packages - Chapter Books
$165 USDIncludes all text formatting plus addition of up to 2 of your own chapter headers and 1 double page spread. Additional images available to be added at a charge of $15 per chapter header and $25 single/double page images
Limited to 100k words. Add $2 for every additional 1k words
$250 USD
Includes all text formatting plus addition of up to 2 of your own chapter headers and 1 double page spread. Additional images available to be added at a charge of $15 per chapter header and $25 single/double page images
Limited to 100k words. Add $2 for every additional 1k words
$350 USD
Includes all text formatting plus addition of up to 2 of your own chapter headers and 1 double page spread. Additional images available to be added at a charge of $15 per chapter header and $25 single/double page images
Limited to 100k words. Add $2 for every additional 1k words
$250 USDIncludes all text formatting plus designs for a chapter header and a dinkus - vector or stock.
Includes addition of up to 2 of your own chapter headers and 1 double page spread. Additional images available to be added at a charge of $15 per chapter header and $25 single/double page images
Limited to 100k words. Add $2 for every additional 1k words
$350 USD
Includes all text formatting plus designs for a chapter header and a dinkus - vector or stock.
Includes addition of up to 2 of your own chapter headers and 1 double page spread. Additional images available to be added at a charge of $15 per chapter header and $25 single/double page images
Limited to 100k words. Add $2 for every additional 1k words
$500 USD
Includes all text formatting plus designs for a chapter header and a dinkus - vector or stock.
Includes addition of up to 2 of your own chapter headers and 1 double page spread. Additional images available to be added at a charge of $15 per chapter header and $25 single/double page images
Limited to 100k words. Add $2 for every additional 1k words
Paperback or Hardback Formatting - Premium
$450 USD
Includes all text formatting plus designs for up to 2 dinkus, up to 2 chapter headers, front matter design, 1 double page spread - vector or stock.
Includes addition of up to 2 of your own chapter headers and 1 double page spread. Additional images available to be added at a charge of $15 per chapter header and $25 single/double page images
Limited to 100k words. Add $2 for every additional 1k words
Paperback & Hardback formatting - Premium
$620 USD
Includes all text formatting plus designs for up to 2 dinkus, up to 2 chapter headers, front matter design, 1 double page spread - vector or stock.
Includes addition of up to 2 of your own chapter headers and 1 double page spread. Additional images available to be added at a charge of $15 per chapter header and $25 single/double page images
Limited to 100k words. Add $2 for every additional 1k words
Formatting Packages - Kids’ Picture Books
£200 GBPIncludes:
- Up to 40 Pages
- 3 Front Pages (Title Page Copyright page and either a 'This Book Belongs To", Dedication or Half title page"
- Up to 4 Back Pages. which can include about the author, marketing pages or activity pages
-Hardcover Ingram Spark Setup
- Paperback KDP and Ingram Spark Setup
- eBook Mobi File for KDP
- Presentation File (For school visits etc)
- Adding bleed to pages as requiredDoes Not Include:
- Text Design (All text must already be designed by the author or illustrator)
- Image Design or Editing
- Edits to text, including typos or grammar edits.
This package allows for 1 round of revisions, but they're only to check the file has been imported correctly, not to correct changes that were there on the original files. -
£400 GBP
Includes:- Text design and layout. 3 Initial designs provided with different font options for client to choose from.
- Cover Title Design, including spine and blurb design.
- Can edit images as required to improve printing / colour balance.
- Up to 40 Pages
- 3 Front Pages (Title Page Copyright page and either a 'This Book Belongs To", Dedication or Half title page"
- Up to 4 Back Pages. which can include about the author, marketing pages or activity pages
- Hardcover Ingram Spark Setup
- Paperback KDP and Ingram Spark Setup
- eBook Mobi File for KDP
- Presentation File (For school visits etc)
- Adding bleed to pages as requiredThis package allows for 3 rounds of revisions.
For any additional needs not included in one of the presented packages, please get in touch for a custom quote.
Meet the Formatters
Chapter books formatter
Chapter books formatter
Children’s book formatter